Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Another Day

Today was one of those days.

I felt like Super Woman!  From the time I woke up this morning, I felt like I had the power to change the world.  I woke up on time.  I made it to school on time (even with 7:20 duty and time to spare!).  For those who don't know me well, the last one was a major feat!  I felt on top of the world!  I can't explain why I felt this way, but I was excited.  I felt like God had something big in store for the day.

So, I went to school as usual, made it to duty on time (Did I say that already? :) ), and we began our standardized testing for the day.  For those of you that have never had the pleasure (*note the sarcasm*) of walking around a classroom "actively monitoring" students in a completely silent classroom while they take a test that generally lasts anywhere from 75 to 90 minutes, let me tell you firsthand, it's definitely not the way I'd rather be spending my time.  So, today, as I was walking through the rows, I began to think about my students, individually and collectively, I thought about who they would become, what careers they would choose, where they would go to college, etc.  As I was thinking about all of these things and looking at the faces of my students, God called me to do something that I honestly cannot say that I've ever done before.  I prayed for them.  I don't mean collectively-- "God, be with my students."  I mean, individually, by name.  "God, please be with ______, guide her in Your ways..." Like that.  It continued as I prayer-walked through the room praying over all 26 of my homeroom students.  By the end of it, I had tears streaming down my face.  After spending 7 months with these "babies" and all 115 of my "babies", I have come to know personalities, dreams, fears, and family situations.  My heart aches and rejoices for these students, and it's not of my own doing.  One of the places where I see God working in my life is in my classroom.  (This could be because I pray for patience every second of every day. Haha)

I say all of this, and I am posting this blog to say that God knew what He was doing when He called me to be a teacher so very long ago.  I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a teacher, so I never really thought twice about what God's calling for my career would be.  What I have quickly realized is that God orchestrated it all from the very start.  I am simply answering the call and being a servant willing to do His work in my mission field.  Teaching these precious eighth graders for three years has been the most humbling experience that I've ever had in my life--second only to my salvation.  They will tell you the truth--that's for sure.  I pray that no matter where God leads me that I will continue to answer the call with a resounding, "Yes, Lord!"

Please continue to pray with me, for all of our students.  Some of these little ones are facing situations that even adults would be shattered by.  Some seem to lead perfectly happy lives, but no one knows what lies behind the curtain or what goes on each day when they leave the school.  It's a battle.  The war is waging for our students.  There is a spiritual war going on for the hearts of each of these students, and they are at their most vulnerable points.  They can either succumb to peer pressure and follow the crowd, or they can boldly stand up for Jesus.  My prayer is that they do the latter.  That was my prayer for each one of my little ones today.  While my job does not allow me to openly profess my faith and proclaim it to my students, I pray that I wouldn't have to.  We shouldn't have to wear a cross around our necks, hang a cross on a wall, wear a special t-shirt, or tote around our Bibles for the world to know that we are Christians.  They will know we are Christians by our love. (<-------That was all God speaking right there--read it again!) I pray that my students see that love exuding out of me every single day--a love that can only be from Christ.

At His Feet,
