Saturday, July 1, 2017

Honduras Dreamin'

The last (almost) three weeks in Honduras have been life-changing in so many ways.  The Lord has challenged me, comforted me, strengthened me, and loved on me like never before.  I have experienced highs, and I have seen lows.  I have come to love this beautiful place-- the scenery, the kids, the missionaries-- all of it.  But, hands-down, the absolute best part of every bit of these three weeks has been sitting in silence calling out to God and seeing Him answer my prayers time after time through His Word or through things I see around me or through the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit inside of me.  The Lord is teaching me patience, perseverance, kindness, love, forgiveness, and so many more things.  I can't wait to share just a few of these with you all when I get back home!

Last night, we had a ranch family dinner with food, worship, and digging into the Word together.  We read part of Acts 7 aloud together, and we unpacked Steven's last speech before being stoned to death.  He spread the Gospel even to his very last breath.  Last night, as I sat in the circle and listened, I began processing the weight of Stephen's words and the testimony of his life and death.  I fell asleep thinking about it and praying through it.  At some point in the night, I began dreaming.  I had a dream last night that we were celebrating my birthday here in Honduras (which is in 11 days-- just in case you were counting down! 😉).  As we were celebrating, they told me it was traditional (in Honduras) for the person whose birthday it was to share what they wanted/hoped for/were praying for in their next year of life (probably not a true tradition-- it was a dream-- but I think it's cool nonetheless).  So, in my dream, I shared.  I remember vividly saying something along the lines of...

Looking back, I've lived my life for 27 years now in my comfort zone, and so many times for my own glory.  I've chased hard after the approval of man, and I've been so easily distracted by the world.  In so many ways, I feel like I have wasted (at least part) of my 27 years on earth in a comfortable, lethargic lull.  So, about year 28... What am I praying for?  I am praying that my life would count-- not for my own glory, but for His glory alone.  I am praying for openness to His plan for me-- wherever that road may lead.  I am praying for a willingness and a boldness to love and serve God and love and serve others wholeheartedly and selflessly.  I am praying that at the end of year 28, I could look back with confidence and say that this year was not wasted.  I am praying that on July 12, 2018, I could look back and say that I know Jesus more and that I have been transformed more into His likeness than I am today.  I could so very easily slide into pursuits of success and vanity, but they are all worthless in light of Jesus.  Luke 12:48 says, "Everyone to whom much was given, of him, much will be required..."  I have been given so very much.  I have been given grace upon grace, mercy, compassion, love, a beautiful life on earth, an incomparably beautiful promise of eternal life.  The open surrender of year 28, and 29, and 30 ... and 99... of my life pales in comparison to the sweet gifts the Lord has blessed me with.  So, I'm going to give everything I've got to know Him more and to follow Him all of my days 

Here's to the countdown to the end of year 27 and looking with joyful expectancy, excitement, and anticipation towards the work that the Lord will do in my life and in the lives of those around me in year 28!  He's already showing me that year 28 is going to be filled with "immeasurably more" than I could ever imagine!

Happy birthday month to me! 🎉🎉🎉