Friday, February 16, 2018


The teacher is the one who has all the answers-- at least that's what we've seemed to think for so long.  But what happens when she doesn't?  What happens when all that she can say or do is to acknowledge that the situation sucks, give a calm reassuring smile, and be open to the gentlest or fiercest of hugs when needed?  What happens when there are no answers to be found-- no reasons why, no sense to make, and no solutions to the tough things life throws our way?

School shootings.  Sudden, tragic accidents.  Heart-breaking home situations.  Confused and hurting hearts.  If I've ever had a week to teach me that I don't have all of the answers, this week would be it.  The emotional weight of teaching can sometimes be overwhelmingly exhausting.  As I'm sure you've heard a million times before, teaching is not a nine to five job.  Teachers work at 3 a.m. when they lie awake trying to figure out how to get their students to grasp that one little concept that just seems to be their nemesis.  They are up before the sun to go grab donuts for the classes that needed that extra nudge of bribery to get their homework done this week.  They are constantly striving to do better, to be better, to love better, and to teach better.
• BUT •
The most beautiful part of teaching is that on the worst of weeks, there are anywhere from 20 - 100 reasons to smile.  Each one has a name, a story to tell, and something beautiful to contribute to every classroom they walk into.  From hilarious stories to tell about how they spilt coffee on themselves on the way to school (complete with sound effects), to falling out of chairs at the perfect time launch the class into an uproar of giggling, to light-bulb moments that bring tears to the teachers eyes, they persevere in the struggle and come out victorious on the other side.  So that, even on the hardest of days, weeks, and even months, each and every little face makes every frustration, every tear shed, and every heartache more than worth it.

To those who know, love, and/or are teachers... hug a teacher, give them a high five, ask them how they really are, then be prepared to listen to the answer, which might include a little complaining, a few tears, and might take place over a pint of ice cream, but listen.  Listen to the joy in her voice as she describes Sarah who just mastered her 9's multiplication facts or Jacob who made it to class on time every single day this week.  Listen to her frustration with little Johnny who is capable of so much more than the effort he puts forth.  Listen. 

And what should you do when you're not sure what to say because you don't have all the answers either??? Acknowledge that sometimes the situation sucks, give a calm reassuring smile, and be open to the gentlest or fiercest of hugs when needed.

#HugATeacher #ThankATeacher