Friday, October 13, 2017

I Prayed for Patience.

Have you ever heard the saying, "don't pray for patience"?

I've heard it so many times, and, often, I've caught myself in mid-prayer and silently reminded myself not to pray for patience (because if I just say it in my head, God doesn't hear it right?? 😏).  I think the idea behind this sentiment is that if you pray for patience, and God chooses to develop your patience, then He will have to take you through uncomfortable things in order for that to happen.

Well, I broke the rule.  Multiple times.  I prayed for patience, and then, I've prayed for more patience.  And you know where I've found myself lately??? Waiting.  And as I've prayed for patience in the waiting, you know where I've found myself???  Still waiting.

However, what I've come to realize in the waiting is that, when we avoid praying for patience out of fear that God will make us uncomfortable, we've forgotten one of two things.  Either (a) we've forgotten that God is GOOD, or (b) we've forgotten that patience takes time.

So, in your waiting-- in my waiting-- let me remind you...

(a)  God is GOOD.

"And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose."  - Romans 8:28 (AMP)

He is GOOD.  His plans are good.  A speaker at an event that I attended recently advised the group of ladies that I was with to "Remain suspicious that God is up to something good."  Even on the darkest of days, when the waiting seems too intense to bear, and you really just want to throw in the towel and go your own way... never, ever, even for a second, forget that He is GOOD.  He is working in the waiting, and He has far greater plans that we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).  Every uncomfortable moment, every tear that rolls down your cheek, every second of loneliness or doubt, not for a moment has He ever left your side.  He sees you.  He hears you, and, even when you can't see it in your circumstances, He is working all things for your good, and, more importantly, for His glory!  Praying for patience doesn't change the character of God.  He doesn't go T.Swift (Look what you make me do!) like He's forced into putting you through a trial now.  Don't for a second think that our God-- the sovereign Lord of the universe-- is forced into anything by our prayers.  Rest assured, dear one, you are not that powerful.  If He chooses to develop patience in you, then He may choose to allow things to happen in your life that may not be all roses and daisies.  He may choose to sit back and watch as you walk through a season of waiting.  Does doing these things make him any less good?  Certainly not.  In fact, quite the contrary... it only serves to support the original point.  Why does God develop our patience by allowing us to walk through uncomfortable situations?  Because He is GOOD!

(b)  Patience takes time.

"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken." - Psalm 55:22

When I prayed for patience, I had a timeline in mind.  I wanted God to sustain me, but I didn't want it to be over a long period of time.  I was thinking maybe a month or two--max.  Here I sit, almost a year later, waiting.  While I've seen Him move in so many powerful ways during this season of waiting, some days, I feel just as far away from answers as I was when I began this journey.  However, over and over again, as I've walked this winding road, the Lord has reminded me time and time again that patience takes time.  If He's going to teach me how to trust, even in the waiting, He's going to make me wait.  There's no way around it.  A few weeks ago, as I was walking through Hebrews 11, the Lord reminded me of His steadfast faithfulness in the lives of so many "heroes of the faith."  From Noah, to Abraham, to Sarah, and so many more, God has shown His faithfulness throughout all generations.  As I read this chapter, verse 13 leapt off the page:  "All these people died still believing what God had promised them.  They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it."  These people believed the promises that they were given by the One who keeps His every promise.  Even unto death, they trusted that He is true to His promises are true, and He is faithful.  That's the kind of faith that I'm praying will be developed in me.  In the times where I see God actively working right in front of me, it is so easy to have faith and to trust that He is good; however, in the seasons of waiting, where His presence is a little less obvious and poignant, it is a little harder to cling to His promises.  It's in these seasons, these moments of what seems like endless waiting and clinging to His promises that patience begins to sprout-- petal by petal.

Are you with me in a season of waiting right now?  If you are, let me challenge you with a question that was asked of my by a friend-- what are you doing while you wait?  If you're like me, the answer to that question was.... "well, I'm waiting..."  Okay, but what are you doing in the meantime??? "ummm... maybe you didn't hear me... I'm waiting..."  His response was gentle and kind as carefully reminded me that I couldn't stop living my life.  As bad as I wanted to, I couldn't unplug.  I had to stay tuned in.  I had to stay active and present in the life that God has blessed me with as I waited for the next step of obedience to come along.  So, again I ask, what are you doing while you wait?  Waiting doesn't mean sitting idly by and doing nothing.  Waiting means actively seeking out Jesus, living your life to honor and glorify His name, and eagerly anticipating His guidance in your next step of obedience.  He is good.  He will not lead you astray.

So, in the moments of doubt, when it seems like you can't possibly wait another moment longer, lean in and know that He is good, and, through this season of waiting, He is working to shape you and to mold you into all that He created you to be.  Cling tight, dear one.  He's got you, and He won't let go.

"I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!  Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:  13 - 14

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